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State of the Slacker: June 2011

June was always going to be a turbulent month for me this year.  With my resolve to go to E3 every year now I knew I was going to be in a bit of a financial pickle but something happened last night that has changed everything.

This past March my roommate Andrej and I decided to move out of our current place.  Last month we gave our 60 day notice on our apartments with the intent of getting a three bedroom apartment to share with a friend of my roommates.  After spending two months searching for places to live we settled on one of two places.  Last night however my roommate told me that his friend would not be joining us due to “court costs” and various other financial issues.  That hurt to find out considering we were planning on moving out in two or three weeks but what really took the wind out of my sails was when Andrej told me that, due to his need to get ahold of his debt issues, he would not be willing to get a two bedroom apartment with me.  This essentially means that I have one week to find my own place and move in.

So, yea, my roommate is officially flaking on me just before I go to E3, a financial commit I can’t afford to miss, and is leaving me with just a week to find myself a new place to live in on my own.  Given that I practically work on minimum wage right now that means that my financial situation is going to be turbulent and it has me relying on my parents far more than I want to.  Because of this I’m going to have to find a new job if I want any hope of attending Texas State to pursue a Bachlor’s degree in journalism: my wish to enroll in the Fall has pretty much been shattered.

What does this mean for my writing?  Well, initially, quite a bit.  Since I have to find a place for myself by the 20th and I’m gone all next week I won’t be able to do any writing until at least July.  That doesn’t mean I won’t be posting videos though: I plan on uploading as much as I can while I’m at work (they have bandwidth to spare).  Plan to see a bunch of videos being put up during and the week after E3.  As far as writing goes though don’t expect much of anything from me.  I wish I could say that I was in a position to do so but until I find a place to call my own I’m pretty much fubar in most respects.

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